About Me

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Orlando, Florida, United States
Contact me at:
chrisjohnleblanc@yahoo.com LinkedIn: Christopher LeBlanc
I'm a professional computer graphics artist interested in using my artistic skills and creativity to develop successful and inspiring projects.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Animation - Painting Weights and Web Site Update

Today, I spent a good 4 hours flipping through a stack of sketchbooks trying to find some decent new drawings to update my portfolio with.  It desperately needs some better work, especially in the sketches area.  I still have to create the thumbnails for the users to click on in the gallery section.  So that will happen soon.  www.christopherjleblanc.com

I have a second interview coming up at a local marketing company.  They need a graphic designer to help with banner ads, template layouts, and HTML website writing.  I'm excited and hope I can live up to what they expect from me.

I'm stuck and can't make any progress on my UDK scene.  I'm trying to animate a prop Bat-flower so it gently sways in the wind.  I'm at the stage where I've layed out the bone structure and am painting the weights.  I thought I knew how to do this but I can't get the weights to stay put the way I need them to.  When I paint one pedal on the flower, the other pedals also receive some of the influence and I can't stop that from happening.  Its stalled me from making progress on the scene and my new demo reel.  I tried locking the weights in and that doesn't help either.  I have no way of knowing where all the weight lies when working on a single region.

The scene thus far.

I also re-textured this prop from Progeny (senior year game project) which I made my senior year at SCAD.  It came out looking realistic and I'm quite happy with it.

I painted a robot figure for fun a few nights ago.  Spent two hours on it and wasn't really satisfied.  I was hoping to have color and and all the values set up and mostly rendered by the two hour mark.  I would at least like to have more contrast in values, general color, specular highlights in a 2 hour painting.  I'm still working too slow.

Thats all I've got for now.

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