About Me

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Orlando, Florida, United States
Contact me at:
chrisjohnleblanc@yahoo.com LinkedIn: Christopher LeBlanc
I'm a professional computer graphics artist interested in using my artistic skills and creativity to develop successful and inspiring projects.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Paintings - Color Experimenting

I've been practicing more color. Today I tried four times to add color to this painting and each attempt it came out looking really awful. I can't get things to look unified and I even found myself just painting over everything I just painted with a new color when I decided I no longer liked the old color. However, I accidentally stumbled upon these colors seen below and it started to look pretty nice so I kept it. I feel like I'm making very little progress with color. But that's better than none.

Here are a few speed paints of batman - 45 minutes each. There were three in all but I didn't think one was worth posting. I'm happy with the one on the left. That was the last one I painted. I'm trying to just mess around and throw color down just to see what happens and if I can get used to it. It is intimidating because I've always struggled seeing color and judging colors. I'd like to use color in my work but I've grown up dismissing color because I can never seem to point out colors unless they're highly saturated and obvious.

Here, I sampled some color from a photograph and made a color palette that you can see in the bottom right. Then I just painted... something. I guess that crashed space ship on the right.