About Me

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Orlando, Florida, United States
Contact me at:
chrisjohnleblanc@yahoo.com LinkedIn: Christopher LeBlanc
I'm a professional computer graphics artist interested in using my artistic skills and creativity to develop successful and inspiring projects.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Drawing Practice

I've been doing lots of drawing lately. I'll sketch for an hour before bed on my tablet and that turned into one large Photoshop canvas of figure sketches. At work, we've been developing ideas for a possible game so I jumped ahead and did some quick thumbnails for that which gave me the page of robots and cowboys. I've noticed I draw better at work than at home and I have to attribute that to the older Wacom 4 tablet I use on my home pc. The surface is much smoother and that makes it difficult to control line strokes. These were all done either at work on my Wacom 5 or at home on my Surface Pro tablet.
I'm happy with these sketches. I'm seeing great improvement in my ability to indicate depth and I'm blocking in forms much quicker these days with minimal effort. My drawing confidence is at an all time high :)