About Me

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Orlando, Florida, United States
Contact me at:
chrisjohnleblanc@yahoo.com LinkedIn: Christopher LeBlanc
I'm a professional computer graphics artist interested in using my artistic skills and creativity to develop successful and inspiring projects.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Sci Fi Model Progress and Predator

I've been working hard on my film quality sci-fi character model. Some weekends I work up to 12 hours on it. Unfortunately, I often find myself spending a majority of that time obsessing over proper workflows in ZBrush or Max and learning best practices and what is the more practical approach for a project like this. I've remodeled and re-sculpted several pieces of the armor. What you see in these test renders are merely half of the parts I've created for the character. I have two more files filled with armor and other parts to add into the master Max file.

I've touched up this Predator painting I did in 2011.